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“I used to talk to only one person in my friend group,” she recalls. “Now I talk to about half the people in my whole class.”
As she continues to build self-confidence, Becca finds herself leading discussions with younger students—an experience she never thought she would have. At first, she was nervous, especially teaching eighth graders; but by pushing through her self-doubt, she discovered a calm assuredness within herself.
“Now I am teaching,” she reflects. “It’s strange but empowering.”
- Becca, ASLP Student
from Oneida Nation

"It wasn't just about managing my teaching workload... it was about finding a balance, being able to approach each day with a clear mind."
"What I appreciate most about Brain Power Wellness is that it offers the opportunity to work with one's peers in a way that isn't competitive but instead challenges everyone to grow together."
- Todd Mueske, CTL
Oneida Middle School
"Not one day has passed since that I have not engaged in some form of wellness thanks to the tools Brain Power Wellness provided me with to truly take care of myself – physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially – to be able to carry out the awesome responsibility of leading an entire school community."
- Tiawana Perez, Principal
Bronx P.S. 6

"Before the pandemic, we had already integrated Brain Power Wellness (BPW) practices into the curriculum. Our students were exposed to various activities and strategies designed to support their physical and emotional well-being. As a result, we saw an increase in student engagement and a decrease in disciplinary incidents. Our students also reported feeling more connected to their peers and teachers and were better equipped to manage stress and anxiety."
- Uche Njoku, Principal
Bronx P.S.224
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