Our Services
BPW School Model
Click any of our 5 branches below to learn more:

Teacher Workshop
This is our basic 5-hour PD that gives teachers 30 hands-on classroom activities to promote focus, mindfulness and emotional wellness. Includes binder, online video access, material kit (book, posters, exercise cards) and 3 follow-up classroom visits. [Note: This workshop can be delivered in up to four increments]
Mentor Workshop (5-10 people)
Mentors receive coaching training to help their colleagues use Brain Power at a high level and ensure sustainability to create a school-wide culture.
Leader Workshop (1-2 people)
Leaders learn to turn-key PD to colleagues, facilitate student leadership programming and run parent seminars. They are our point of contact as we continue visiting them on a bi-monthly basis to help run a vibrant school-wide system. This training is held in upstate NY.
Advanced Leader Workshop (1 person)
Trainers are equipped to run a year-long student curriculum, give regular wellness classes to staff members and lead parent workshop series. They can provide class visits, staff refreshers and act as trainer for the Student Leadership Program. Includes regular reinforcement training. This training is held in upstate NY.
Staff Refresher Workshop
For your staff who have already taken the Teacher Workshop. We lead 2 PD sessions (1 whole group PD and 1 grade-level PD) plus 1 class visit.

Classroom Visits
BPW staff push-in to classrooms to work directly with students. Our trainers review basic BP exercises and assist the teacher in creating daily Brain Power routines. Our trainers can work with up to 12 classes per visit (elementary) or 8 classes per visit (middle & high school). Typically schools purchase a set of 10 days.
Student Leadership Program
BPW staff coaches a group of up to 25 students. The goal is for these students to lead routines for the student body (assemblies, cafeteria, school yard, etc.) and become leaders in promoting a positive school culture. Perfect for students who have natural leadership ability but who may be exhibiting problematic behaviors. Includes 2-day on-site full-day workshop plus 3 additional follow up visits.
Advanced Leadership Retreat
Set in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, this 3-day retreat helps develop principled, confident student leaders. These advanced leaders learn how to assist your school’s Mentors/Leaders/Trainer in facilitating a powerful school-wide program. They become student trainers who can turn-key to the next generation of student leaders. This training is held in upstate NY.

Parent Seminar
We work with your Parent Coordinator to schedule relevant 60-minute workshops to help bridge a Brain Power connection between school and home. Relevant topics include: stress management for parents; homework tips; mindful parenting; positive discipline; proactive communication.
Parent Workshop Series
This series consists of three interactive 90-minute workshop sessions that encourage parents to further explore how Brain Power exercises and positive discipline strategies can enhance their relationship with their children. Materials include: parent activities packet, exercise card pack, online video access, Brain Power Classroom book and 3 posters. [Note: Full material sets provided for up to 15 parents]

Administrative Coaching Sessions
These 90-minute sessions can be used as individual classes (for just the principal) or small group sessions (to include additional school leaders). The goal of these sessions is two-fold: First, to make sure the leader(s) is (are) effectively facilitating a successful Brain Power school-wide system. Second, the sessions prioritize self-care techniques to ensure the administrator(s) is (are) healthy, positive and energized.
Administrator Retreats
Held at Honor's Haven Resort in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, this 2-day retreat is designed to help Principals and Assistant Principals rejuvenate their physical, emotional and mental health while learning how to effectively oversee school-wide Brain Power program implementation.

School Aides & Paras
School Aides and/or Paras Workshops
Since Paras and School Aides are often not included in the Instructor workshop, we offer a powerful 90-minute training that focuses on deescalating negative behavior and proactively managing large groups of students (cafeteria, auditorium, school yard). This workshop also helps them “plug in” to the school-wide system through working together with their school’s Mentors, Leaders and Student Leaders.