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Brain Power Blog



Chancellor Receives a Brain Power Welcome!

With a visit from Chancellor Carranza on January 29th, Brain Power student leaders from PS/IS 102Q took this as a chance to offer up a passionate Brain Power welcome. Using their Brain Power training, these student leaders were able to lead both the Chancellor and Councilman Dromm through an array of activities including balance postures, 3-6-0, pinky thumb, and even Energy Ball Meditation!

These student leaders demonstrated an amazing proficiency in Brain Power activities, but even more so, a confidence and enthusiasm to lead and take action when opportunities like this arise. Following their time together, Chancellor Carranza described himself as feeling absolutely impressed by these students and the level at which they were able to articulate and lead the activities. Their confidence certainly wowed the crowd, and we can’t help but feel tremendously wowed ourselves here at Brain Power for these student leader’s awe-inspiring achievement.


Brain Power Takes off in Miami

Our Executive Director Dave Beal (right) and Miami Brain Power Field Coordinator Maria Claudia Kondrat (left) with Ms. Scott (middle) from Olinda Elementary in Miami, FL.

As part of our initiative to expand nationally in 2020, Brain Power has started moving and breaking ground in the beautiful city of Miami, Florida, and the progress made thus far has felt nothing short of incredible. Through the hard work of BPW Field Coordinator Maria Claudia Kondrat, visiting schools, talking to educators and putting her foot in the door, we have seen some great results. In only the first week of February, our Executive Director, Dave Beal, accompanied Maria Claudia to a district meeting presentation, and many meetings with schools and principals within the city. Sharing their hearts and their vision, what once felt beneath the surface has now grown into a widespread set of sincere and positive connections that has even culminated into the first Brain Power School of Miami at Olinda Elementary! This exciting momentum has only continued to pick up speed as on February 11th, we were welcomed to have a meeting with Superintendent Carvalho who oversees the 500,000 students in Miami and their schools. The Superintendent warmly received our presentation on our results here in New York, and the experiential elements of our program and his Deputy Superintendent is working to see what possibilities for collaboration exist. We feel very positive that we will be sharing mindfulness, brain training, team building, and SEL with many students in Miami very soon! From an idea to reality, we are truly thankful for all those who have supported us in this growth, and we can’t wait to share more as this project progresses.


New Friends in Maryland

On January 25th, Brain Power Trainers and Field Coordinators Rebecca Wheaton and LaToya Morgan visited Gaithersburg, Maryland to present at the Early Childhood Education Summit at Montgomery College. These two amazing trainers were grateful for the opportunity to share their warm personalities and extensive experience with Brain Power to educators and child care employees alike. During the presentation, as audience members came to experience the activities themselves, they began to understand how they could be used to help their children and students, and many of them even signed up for opportunities to learn more about Brain Power! Making new friends is always good news, and we look forward to sharing BPW more and more in Maryland in the near future.


Staff Member Shoutout:

Sofia Kahn

Maria Claudia is a passionate and creative educator who took on the mission of bringing the Brain Power Wellness program to schools in Miami, FL. After teaching Art for 13 years, she felt the need for tools and exercises to help her manage her energy and optimize her health and also, to empower her students. This is when she began practicing yoga and mindfulness and took part in trainings for Brain Power Wellness. After the workshop, Maria was filled with hope for education and the future of our youth, and she felt a strong conviction that Brain Power is the best training out there for both educators and students. With a strong and passionate heart, Maria Claudia is an amazing team member with the power to bring BPW to the 500,000 students of Miami. We are proud to support her vision!

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