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Brain Power Blog

District 8 (Bronx NYC) Utilizes Brain Power Wellness for School Leader's Self-Care and Collabora

On Friday, May 17th Dave Beal and Katie Brisley-Logue from Brain Power Wellness were invited to lead a 45-minute Professional Development session for ninety principals and assistant principals from District 8 in the Bronx. This was the second time that Karen Ames, the innovative Superintendent of District 8, has invited BPW to work with her administrators. We led a variety of team building, focusing and mindfulness activities for the enthusiastic school leaders. Our focus was on the importance of self-care and the impact our own physical, emotional and cognitive health has on our non-verbal communication, which impacts our vision of cultivating a culture of school-wide collaboration. We engaged in a variety of fun partner stretching and balancing postures, some neuroplasticity training and a closing meditation. Our training served as a timely warm up for their keynote speaker Peter Dewitt, author of the book "Collaborative Leadership."

Brain Power Wellness is proud to have trained students, teachers and parents from six District 8 schools this school year and we look forward to supporting the social emotional health of many more schools in the district as we look ahead to the 2018-19 school year.

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