Certified Instructor Course

“I believe Brain Power Leadership training provides the cutting edge resources, embodied tools and supportive environment necessary to maximize our wellness potential and build a true sense of unity among our school community”
- Tennyson H., Elementary Teacher, Class of 2017
BPW Certified Professional Instructor Program
If you’re an educator, parent, or coach passionate about embodying your personal mindfulness and holistic wellness practice, this is your program. If you’re looking for the professional skills necessary to effectively share the BPW holistic wellness and brain training system with schools and organizations in your community, this is your program. If you’re looking for an intensive 200-hour immersive 6-12 month journey taken with sincere friends and guided by passionate and accomplished mentors, this is your program.
Since 2007, Brain Power Wellness has trained more than 25,000 teachers and coaches in our advanced leadership and instructor programs and these talented instructors have personally taught more than 500,000 students worldwide. Headquartered in NYC, BPW has proudly supported hundreds of schools in NY and we are excited about reimagining our Instructor Certification Program model to help share the BPW system with more schools and communities in the US and around the world.

“I believe teachers should become Brain Power Leaders and Instructors to best help their students learn to regulate their emotions in these unprecedented times. Remote learning has added great stress to students of all ages, and Brain Power activities have allowed even our youngest learners to begin exploring and understanding their big feelings. Emotions like stress and frustration can be hard for young children to identify, let alone resolve. Brain Power activities such as deep breathing, brain tapping, pinky-thumb, and many others have allowed students to calm down their brains and prepare for their schoolwork. Students have been able to apply these techniques in times of stress and confusion, and will carry these exercises with them throughout adulthood.”
- Barbara G, Elementary Teacher, Class of 2016

Program OverviewWe offer two levels of certification: Certified BPW School Leader (CSL) & Certified Professional Instructor (CPI). Level 1: Certified BPW School Leader (CSL): In the CSL program, BPW client schools send their staff to become trained in how to facilitate a vibrant school-wide BPW program. Participants attend our Level 1 Retreat and receive valuable resources and training to share BPW with students, parents, and their colleagues. Participants are eligible to attend monthly reinforcement sessions to support the application of their learning as they return to facilitate their school’s BPW program. Level 2: Certified Professional Instructor (CPI): The CPI program is designed for educators, parents, and coaches who wish to professionally share BPW tools with schools and organizations in their community. Through the Level 1 & 2 Retreats and an intensive 6-month online learning system, participants grow their personal and professional capacity to professionally share mindfulness, SEL, brain training, and holistic wellness with students, teachers, parents, and school leaders. Once certified, CPI graduates are listed on the BPW website to actively market their services to local schools and organizations. “I see how my kids embrace and enjoy learning in a loving and safe environment, full of healthy challenges and joyful experiences because they choose it that way. Today a parent told me how her son reaffirmed that his brain was amazing; her smile and gratitude was the highlight of my day. I am constantly recharged to keep on sharing and watch kids thrive. Thank you, Brain Power Wellness!” -Marcela M., Language Specialist, Class of 2019
Program ComponentsRetreats Set in the natural beauty of the Catskills Mountains, our retreats offer an authentic combination of personal and professional growth. Both retreats infuse intentional and engaging team building, daily time in nature, and regular self-care personal training to help both our CSL and CPI students embody the principles and practices of mindfulness, SEL, brain training, and holistic wellness. Here are the unique resources and programmatic elements offered at each retreat: Level 1 Retreat (for CSBL & CPI students): 100+ brain break activities organized according to the Brain Power 10 themes (mindfulness, team building, SEL, etc.) 20 Content Link lessons integrating mindfulness, movement, and brain training into the four main subject areas BPW Advisory Curriculum (stand-alone & synergistic with SEL, restorative circles, etc.) School-wide BPW Mentor curriculum for leading PDs at department, grade and faculty meetings BPW & Trauma-informed strategies (Level 1) BPW & Culturally Responsive Teaching (Level 1) Integrating Mindfulness & SEL with school-wide Equity frameworks Supporting & Sustaining BPW Student Leadership Program Note: For Certified School BPW Leaders this retreat serves as the entire program. CSL graduates are encouraged to attend weekly mindfulness classes and monthly reinforcement sessions to support the application of their learning as they return to facilitate their school’s BPW program. Level 2 Retreat (for CPI students only): Advanced Leader curriculum (BPW after-school student clubs) Masterful Teaching for Mindful Leaders Wellness Curriculum for Parent Seminars Wellness Curriculum for Teacher Seminars In-classroom coaching curriculum for student visits BPW & Trauma-informed strategies (Level 2) BPW & Culturally Responsive Teaching (Level 2) Marketing & Presentation Portfolio Coaching & BPW Online Learning System In between the two in-person retreats our Certified Professional Instructor candidates participate in an intensive 6-month online training program. The asynchronous components of the program are balanced with weekly mindfulness classes and monthly personal coaching, whole group classes, and Training Team meetings to build upon the personal connections and community we created at the 1st retreat. Participants should expect to spend 3-4 hours each week involved in the following varied activities: Online Content: Instructional and self-development videos, readings, and reflections Monthly Group Classes: Experiential learning, lectures, self-development training, and discussion through live synchronous whole-cohort classes (Zoom). Training Teams: Participants are assigned to small Training Team groups led by a BPW Coach. Teams meet monthly on Zoom to stay connected, discuss the application of their learning, engage in teaching/presenting practice, and receive feedback. Weekly Mindfulness Classes: Led by BPW’s Executive Director, these optional classes provide additional self-care practice and energy principles for our CPI community. Individual Coaching Sessions: Participants meet individually with their BPW Coach on a monthly basis to personalize and integrate their learning experience. Teaching Feedback: Participants share videos of themselves teaching students, parents or teachers and receive feedback on their teaching from their BPW Coach and Training Team. Daily Training/Journaling: Participants are encouraged to maintain a daily personal wellness and meditative journaling practice. Additional Learning Experiences: There will be additional optional opportunities for learning including Affinity Groups, reading groups, practice groups, and regional meet-up groups where possible. “Brain Power has been an amazing addition to our middle school curriculum. As a Brain Power leader, the workshops have provided me with invaluable strategies that I have watched help both students and teachers in and out of the classroom. I have not been part of a program that has better demonstrated the true power of social-emotional wellness!” - Luke H., Middle School Teacher, Class of 2018
Certification ProcessFollowing the 2nd retreat, participants who desire certification and have completed all program components may submit a teaching practicum for review. Teaching practicum may be submitted to the Certification Committee up to six months after the closing retreat. The Brain Power Wellness Certification Committee will review all materials submitted and make a determination regarding whether to fully certify the participant as a Certified Professional Instructor. Once a participant has been fully certified, they will be acknowledged as a BPW Certified Professional Instructor and listed on the Certified Professional Instructor registry on the www.brainpowerwellness.com website. Earning certification will allow you to refer to yourself as a BPW Certified Professional Instructor (CPI). Specifically, as a CPI you will be qualified to: Professionally teach all levels of student curriculum in schools, organizations or your own place of business. Lead BPW introductory PD sessions for teachers and school administrators Lead BPW wellness seminars for parents Lead after-school BPW Student Leadership and Mindfulness Clubs Staff our annual BPW Student Leadership celebration at Honor’s Haven Resort Receive direct compensation from schools and organizations as a professional instructor (utilizing BPW Instructor registry and pricing list) Receive commission for referring client schools to BPW “There’s no leadership retreat like the Brain Power Instructor retreat. Getting to spend quality time surrounded by nature and focusing on our individual and collective wellness is an experience of a lifetime. Getting to see so many people from different backgrounds coming together as one unit is amazing. You actually see diverse groups working towards one common goal while each team supports their members no matter how many times they stumble. “It’s ok, my brain loves challenges!” That’s Brain Power Instructor training. The retreats leave me feeling rejuvenated and inspired to continue my self-development journey and to show up with maximum impact in my school community.” - Tennyson H., Elementary Teacher, Class of 2017
Program DetailsPrerequisites: Participants in the CSL and CPI programs must first complete the 6-week BPW Teacher Course. If you haven’t yet started this course, you are still encouraged to submit an application. In your application, indicate when you plan to complete the course, prior to the start date of the 1st Retreat. Dates: Level 1 Retreat: November 13th ~ 16th, 2023 Level 2 Retreat: TBD Retreats take place at Honor’s Haven Resort, Ellenville NY Tuition: Tuition for the BPW Certified School Leader (CSL) Program covers the Level 1 Retreat, all curriculum resources, and monthly reinforcement classes. CSL tuition: $2,000 Tuition for the BPW Certified Professional Instructor (CPI) Program covers the Level 1 & 2 Retreats, 6-month online learning system, all curriculum resources, the certification process, and monthly reinforcement classes. CPI tuition: $4950. Note: Tuition fees above do NOT include accommodations or travel for retreats. Room and board with Honor’s Haven and travel arrangements are purchased separately and are completely the participant’s responsibility.